Just a little extra from me, to reduce post spam, the distance between posts should also be increased to 3-5 minutes or at least 2 minutes so that the poster thinks well and isn't spam.
Your idea is pretty good, but at the moment there are no posting bonuses, in the sense of rating not because they post a lot but the quality of the posts are rated
Hopefully the admin doesn't pay them, for cheating last month. Ahahaha Let them feel it, so they stop cheating.
You give a suggestion but your referral is 99% no longer active. After making 10 reff immediately disappeared. And one more thing I'm sure your reff email is multi gmail or yandex.
I mean, the distance between posts can be increased to make referrals not spam because they have to wait 2-5 minutes for the next post. That will make the original poster will think of quality posts automatically and they will only comment on topics they like and have mastered
One more suggestion. if necessary for registration, referrals must link their accounts to Facebook or other social media. guaranteed 99% will be more difficult to cheat.
Not everybody uses social media though. And members can just create multiple Facebook accounts or at least 1 account per social media method and then use those accounts to register with Forex Zone. So for those 2 reasons, I do not think this suggestion will work.
to increase the quality of Forum member registration, I have a sara better add the CAPCHA code, each registration awaiting admin confirmation or forum moderator for approval!
There is a CAPCHA code already for registration. And this does not prevent manual cheaters (or even robots). CAPCHA is just a minor hurdle these days.About Admin or moderator confirmation, I do not plan on spending hours and hours of time every day manually reviewing accounts. All just to pay out money in the end. I would just cancel the contest before doing this.
I'd rather agree to register and even log in with a phone number or 2FA specifically from Google Auth Android, sir. You can also attach a broker account that you choose for example FXGlory in the member profile section so that they can receive prizes from any contest with that account.
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