GBPUSD NEWS Fundamental

GBPUSD lacks booster booster data on Friday trading until the closing of the American market.
in the midst of Brexit news that has never met any improvement in the draft agreement with the European Union and a decline in the euro zone inflation and GDP outlook by the ECB at its monetary meeting yesterday.
GBPUSD trades below 1.3100, precisely 1.3082 or only 3 pips higher than the closing of the American session yesterday.
This week's meeting between British attorney general Geoffrey Cox and EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has ended without progress.
Cox hopes to convince European Union colleagues to set a deadline or clause out of the backstop in Ireland.
planned debate to avoid hard borders in Ireland to win support from Conservative MPs who support Brexit.
But EU leaders have not moved from their founding.
The obstacle to strengthening the GBP also came from the ECB management who rolled back the stimulus program even though the shape was different from the quantitative easing.
The ECB's decision to give long-term loans to banks was triggered by an economic slowdown.
ECB President Mario Draghi revealed a cut in the euro zone's growth outlook, from 1.7 percent six months ago to 1.1 percent and the continuing ECB stimulus program to push inflation to a target rate of 2 percent. Draghi cited inflation estimates this year at 1.2 percent after the ECB had predicted 1.6 percent.