WELCOME SAMURAIWin your battles and get your loot! Earn the Kusunoki Token as you journey through the perilous realms of the Kusunoki Samurai metaverse. With the Kusunoki Token, you can play to earn real money and use the currency to buy unique weapons and armor to strengthen your warrior. Sharpen your blade and get to earning the Kusunoki Token.
Coingecko Coinmarketcap Uniswap CertikCONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x36919a60a2b67b6d2329863093d180d23d5a0308
OFFICIAL WEBSITEBUY KUSUNOKI TOKENWHITEPAPER![[ANN] Introducing the Kusunoki Token ? The Cryptocurrency of the Samurai in Cryptocurrency Advertisements_kusunokisamurai2 [ANN] Introducing the Kusunoki Token ? The Cryptocurrency of the Samurai in Cryptocurrency Advertisements_kusunokisamurai2](https://i.ibb.co/86dKnxZ/kusunokisamurai2.png)
THE KUSUNOKI TOKENTOKEN SUPPLY- A maximum supply of 80,000,000,000,000,000 Kusunoki Tokens will be available through the lifetime of Kusunoki Samurai.
- The number was selected to reflect the superstitious nature of the samurai and Japanese culture. Our team was influenced by the lucky number eight and the positive characteristics considered with the number.
- The number?s shape when written as a Kanji character gradually broadens (八), expressing the idea of prosperity, success, growth, and its likeness in shape to the sacred Mount Fuji.
CRYPTOCURRENCIESThe mechanics are quite simple.
- Play the game, earn Kusunoki Token.
- Keep playing to earn more Kusunoki Token.
- Use Kusunoki Token to speed up level progression, or;
- Use Kusunoki Token to buy more powerful weapons and armor, or;
- Trade your Kusunoki Token in the cryptocurrency market.
TOKENOMIC- SAFE SECURE - 5% LP tax goes directly to the liquidity pool to forever strengthen the projects price floor.
- PASSIVE INCOME - 3% reflections tax goes directly to each and every holder proportionately from each and every transaction.
- MARKETING WALLET - 5% of each and every transaction goes to further market the project.
DISTRIBUTIONToken distribution for Kusunoki Samurai?The Game has been planned to enable holders of the token to actively engage in the game. Therefore, token distribution will be as follows:
- Auto Burn? 3%
- Redistribution ? 5%
- Liquidity Lock (17 months) ? 72%
- Marketing Wallet ? 5%
- Development ? 10%
- Auto Liquidity ? 5%
![[ANN] Introducing the Kusunoki Token ? The Cryptocurrency of the Samurai in Cryptocurrency Advertisements_kusunokisamurai5 [ANN] Introducing the Kusunoki Token ? The Cryptocurrency of the Samurai in Cryptocurrency Advertisements_kusunokisamurai5](https://i.ibb.co/3rxWDC4/kusunokisamurai5.png)
OUR GOALOur goal is simple: we want to spread the wealth that can be derived from cryptocurrency investments and use the gaming platform to teach others how to do that.
We want you to be a part of this, too. There exists a small opportunity for you to be a part of this movement, and this is what we are offering to a select few gamers such as yourself with a keen appreciation for great games and real potential to be a cryptocurrency revolutionary, just like us.
BUY KUSUNOKI TOKENVISIT KUSUNOKI GAMEFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSMost commonly asked questions you might want to checkout. Feel free to reach out to us on our social media channels if you have any concerns or questions.
How to purchase Kusunoki Token?Kusunoki Token can be purchased here on our website or
click here.
What Are The Visions And Plans Of Kusunoki Samurai?There are a total of seven phases for the visions and plans of Kusunoki Samurai. Read the Roadmap
How Secure Is Kusunoki Samurai?Transparency is critical at Kusunoki Samurai and especially to our investors, you! Our Kusunoki Token will be stored utilising blockchain technology. Additionally, a CertiK audit will also be performed to ensure our Kusunoki Token is on par with industry standards.
What is the total supply of Kusunoki Token?It has a maximum supply of 80,000,000,000,000,000 quadrillion Kusunoki Tokens will be available through the lifetime of Kusunoki Samurai.
LATEST UPDATESKUSUNOKI TOKEN IS NOW LISTED ON LBANK ? CHANCE TO WIN $8,000!UNREAL ENGINE 5 AND THE METAVERSEKUSUNOKI PORTAL: DEVELOPING A ONE STOP SHOP FOR KUSUNOKIFOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIAFacebookTwitterInstagramTelegramDiscordLinkback: https://www.forex.zone/cryptocurrency-advertisements/33/ann-introducing-the-kusunoki-token-the-cryptocurrency-of-the-samurai/4015/