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Ambassador program Minima.

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The Minima Ambassador program rewards you for participating in a conversation on a Discord server and inviting others to join. The program is also used to thank you for participating in events and challenges that will help us tell the world about Minima - because the stronger the community, the stronger the network.

How to join the Ambassador Program?
You don't have to do anything, every user who joins our Discord server is automatically registered in the Ambassador Program.

How it works?
Performing certain actions on our Discord server will earn you experience points (XP).

Participating in helpful, helpful, or insightful conversations on the server will earn you 10 XP. A friend who joins the server and designates you as their inviter will earn 100 XP, and so will you. You can also take part in events, tasks and competitions that will earn you XP bonuses.

When certain levels of experience are reached, you will receive a new rank of ambassador and unlock new actions, abilities and privileges.

In addition, each month the user with the most XP earned will win the title of King/Queen of the server, which grants them top level privileges for 30 days. The rest of the top 10 will receive bonus experience.

Levels and points:

How do you get the first level and, accordingly, 100 points:

We enter the official discord server of the project => follow the link and there we get into the #check-tier branch. Copy and paste the following message into it => rank!m NFTerraX#7788 set inviter

Thus, you write me down to the column of the one who invited you, and you and I will receive 100 points each, which will add 1 lvl.

Further, to earn points and lvl, you just have to communicate on the server (there is a ru branch) and you can also invite friends, for this

1 - Create an invitation link to the level check channel

2 - Give this link to your friend

3 - When they join the server they should run this command rank!m @yourDiscordTag set installer. Each person can only run the command once, but there is no limit to the number of times you can be designated as an inviter.

Useful commands of the bot-ambassador

The Ambassador program is managed by a bot. Here are some useful commands to help you track your progress so you can use them from head to to checkout level.

Check your information
rank!member info

Check your progress
rank!member stats

Check out the monthly leaderboard
rank!server top members month

#1 - March 02, 2022, 11:54:03 PM


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