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SuperTrend AI (Clustering) [LuxAlgo]

Discussion started on TradingView - Pine Script Indicators

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The SuperTrend AI indicator is a novel take on bridging the gap between the K-means clustering machine learning method & technical indicators. In this case, we apply K-Means clustering to the famous SuperTrend indicator.

Users can interpret the SuperTrend AI trailing stop similarly to the regular SuperTrend indicator. Using higher minimum/maximum factors will return longer-term signals.

The displayed performance metrics displayed on each signal allow for a deeper interpretation of the indicator. Whereas higher values could indicate a higher potential for the market to be heading in the direction of the trend when compared to signals with lower values such as 1 or 0 potentially indicating retracements.

SuperTrend AI (Clustering) [LuxAlgo] in TradingView - Pine Script Indicators_topic=4586

  • ATR Length: ATR period used for the calculation of the SuperTrends.
  • Factor Range: Determine the minimum and maximum factor values for the calculation of the SuperTrends.
  • Step: Increments of the factor range.
  • Performance Memory: Determine the degree to which older inputs affect the current output, with higher values returning longer-term performance measurements.
  • From Cluster: Determine which cluster is used to obtain the final factor.

  • Maximum Iteration Steps: Maximum number of iterations allowed for finding centroids. Excessively low values can return a better script load time but poor clustering.
  • Historical Bars Calculation: Calculation window of the script (in bars).


#1 - January 16, 2025, 11:37:22 PM
SuperTrend AI (Clustering) [LuxAlgo] in TradingView - Pine Script Indicators_Forex%20Zone%20VIP%20Membership


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