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1000 dollars per 2-3 hours is not a myth!

Discussion started on MT4 / MT5 EAs

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1000 dollars per 2-3 hours is not a myth!

If you think about it, how does a trading system or strategy and who prevents you to trade continuously, not just any session or there in the morning with 8 to 10 who imposes on you these restrictions? How can I "take all movement" with the Forex market?

Any trading system or strategy is a result of market surveillance: examines the history and on the basis of this choice trading algorithm (defined by the foot, offset, profits, market entry condition, etc.). My project allows coming up with a trade strategy for 12 hours (maximum) and at least 2 hours

As it happens or how does my project?

Before you begin (to Tester, this does not apply) to write to the folder: "C:\ Program Files (x86) \ your broker \ MQL4 \ Libraries \" <==kernel32.dll - file (you can find it here: "C:\ Windows \ System32 \")

My project consists of 3-x programs:
First, it's "Exporter_SN.ex4"-a trading robot (exporter) that runs in the trading terminal (put a tick "Import DLL"), which will trade, account type is any, leverage: 200. The name of the expert ("Exporter_SN.ex4"), the author advises to change for any other reason: broker parses name expert, running in the trading terminal and sometimes goes as follows: disconnect from the server modem hangs, restarts the computer etc.). This expert in the terminal when it starts looking for file "q_result_Currency.lag" and if it finds it, it displays the contents of all variables in the "experts"-folder and then throughout the lengthy work analyzes price fluctuations and when need to send trade team to trade the robot "Receiver_SN.ex4" through the working folder "C:\q_Signals" or via global variables (F3) and (simultaneously with market analysis) writes the current time and price fluctuations in the files: Currency.ASK, Currency.BID, Currency.DAT. Currency.ASK and Currency.BID - is the price values with each tick, Currency.DAT - is the local value (/server) time for the respective prices of that moment. If this robot removed from the trading terminal, and then after 10 minutes to run again, he would continue to write current time and price value by adding them to the end of the above files, and on this site in the files Currency.ASK, Currency.BID, Currency.DAT is formed GAP (in translation from English-"hole"), meaning an unexpected change in prices on a few items, as well as a temporary jump in the amount of 600 seconds (10 minutes) - to deal with this problem, in the file "CONFIG_SN.txt" there are 4 responsible for setting the number of detected gaps at the start of the tester, that fall into the "no trading area list" -an array with the labels, before which no Tester creates new market orders within a certain time specified in the parameter "GAP PRE STOP IN HOURS [0.1...1]=0.1" from file "CONFIG_SN.txt" but the ban will be imposed on the closure orders;

The second program is a trading robot "Receiver_SN.ex4"-with regard to the title, the rules are exactly the same as in the case of "Exporter_SN.ex4". Runs the trading robot in the same trading terminal "Exporter_SN.ex4" on the same currency pair in a separate tab (window) for this to work correctly, the robot need to booth Origin-files in the \files folder: "q_result_Currency.lag" and "q_CRAZY_Currency.lag". About the first Origin-file "q_result_Currency.lag" you already know from the text above, but the second is a follow-up to the first and contains variables that are not included in the first file; P.S.:  also put Daw "DLL imports" because creating swap-files in the course of trade

The third program is the tick history tester "Tracer_SN.ex4" which makes no sense to rename and that you should run only in the old terminal (installation version), but if you compile and run it in the new terminal, on the stage of its work, there will be some deviation from the proper (normal) work. For the normal running of the tester requires a file "tracer_SN.dmp" under the \files folder, which you can get (/Decree) by running the tester in your trading terminal (where you trade) at the moment of connection to the server at work day Forex market interesting note: currency pair tick history files you do not need and recompile under your trading terminal is not required-missing the usual start of the tester on the chosen currency pair, then comes analysis of spread and first created (complemented by new values on the current instrument) the file "tracer_SN.dmp" which (of course, after repeated run "Tracer_SN.ex4" on the selected instruments) must be overwrite the old terminal in the folder \ files where your tester. Also for the normal running of the tester, which only works correctly in older versions of the trading terminal MT4, there must be a tick history file (1.5 days minimum): Currency.Ask, Currency.BID, Currency.DAT mentioned above and that should be written into the folder "C:\Program Files (x86) \GrandCapital Trader 4\experts\files\Recorder". The only bad moment in this situation is the lack of Automation when running the tester-this folder ("Recorder") will have to create their own hands once for the normal operation of the tester. After the first launch of the tester (if you have the file "tracer_SN.dmp" and if there are any files in the folder \files\Recorder), the tester will report no two configuration files that it creates the same with default values. All you have to do is open the configuration file "CONFIG_SN.txt" from the folder \files and set the value of the parameter "START DEPO REAL=" is equivalent to the balance of your account (must be above больше START DEPOSIT VIRTUAL), and then restart the tester and wait for the results to be displayed in the "experts" (as well as the details displayed in the file "res_Currency.txt"). With each new finding profits, Tester will automatically update two Origin-files. Learn about the willingness of two Origin-files can be in the moment of occurrence of the "experts" message: "Attention: ORIGIN is ready !" or listen through the speakers voice message: "Attention, Origin-file ready!".

And now in simple words about the system: it's "SNIPER"
P.S.:  there's another new name for this system (with the included modes "CRAZY TRADE MODE" and "MG Engine"): "Carrier"

What carry passengers: - the answer to this question is directly proportional to your initial deposit (account balance):
car:              100
micro bus:  500
bus:            1000
subway:      10000
airliner:      25000
train:          50000
sea cruiser: 100000

P.S.:  there are times when the trade account balance increases and as a result, you automatically get a new transport.

For the full trading robot (or automatic trading system), you must first gain the maximum number of passengers that means creating some lucrative orders, and if free margin ends, then it means only one: can you go. Before transport are different nuances:

1. passenger changed his mind to go
2. destination suddenly changed

either of the two above options means only one thing: we have to release the passengers, paying him a penalty, that the language of the Forex market means to close an unprofitable warrant returned yourself mortgage funds (increase the free margin), and only after all the capricious passengers will be issued in payment of them penalties, we can recruit the "right" instead of them passengers and hit the road.

At the end of the path have to chauffeur passengers transport calculation that depends on the mass of the passengers (lot) and the length of the path (pips). And so it goes on continuously until the market does not go away in 2 days a week.

P.S.:  there's another new name for this system (subject to the inclusion of modes "CRAZY TRADE MODE" and "MG Engine"): "Baker"

To start the define symbols:
iron sheet for baking - account balance
dough                - just open market order
cookies              - profit order

- Tester automatically determines condition correct trade and a minimum level of free margin, which has allowed to bake in a mold, which may not be all 100% full (otherwise executed Orange stripe).

Questions and answers:
1. question: - I run a Receiver_SN.ex4 and in the "Experts" it is written: "Connection denied ..." ("no connection ..."), what to do?
  answer:  - hands create in the folder "C:\q_Signals" the file "alo.txt" and try again

2. question: - Receiver_SN.ex4 does not trade for a long time, what could be wrong?
  answer:  - trading robot Exporter_SN.ex4: try to restart it-if after restarting again doesn't sell, then move on to a new parameter "TRANCEFER=0", which is already installed (=0) when running both robots in one terminal at different tabs of the same symbol. This option means that the trading signals from Exporter_SN.ex4 to Receiver_SN.ex4 is going through global static variables (F3). When such trade trader need only one terminal with two identical tabs (if the "file is ready)

3. question: - both the robot were launched with parameter "TRANCEFER=0", but Receiver_SN.ex4 still doesn't sell, what else could it be?
  answer:  - try restarting both robots in mode "TRANCEFER=1", "DLL imports" checkbox then compile mini robot "STARTER.mq4" and run it on a separate tab with the correct Symbol (the robot through "kernel32.dll" creates one "BUY" order if it is not already there)

4. question: - It seems to me that a trading robot "Receiver_SN.ex4" is not working correctly, what could it be?
    answer: - check the message at the start of this robot, which should be said, that he: "This version v.3.11 SN (Receiver) has been tested successfully on a paid account", otherwise, you have the wrong trading account on which registered a trading robot - at compile time the error occurred, try to compile this robot in the trading terminal "Boston Merchant Capital" (see above)

5. question: - Tester a long running and finds almost nothing, what could it be?
    answer: - Increase virtual Depot in 1.5-2 times is the parameter "START DEPOSIT VIRTUAL", which is in the file CONFIG_SN.txt (restart)
  question: - How can I determine what the tester is halted?
    answer: - Press "F3" and enter something in the parameter "__refresh_now", for example "-3333", and if the response does not succeed, then the tester actually halted and want to close the terminal running the tester in it. Otherwise, the "experts" tab displays the current profit tester.

6. question: - on the first day, after you create a Origin-file, trading robot "Receiver_SN.ex4" made a profit, but in the following days started to gradually merge the deposit that can be?
    answer: - Origin-file guarantees its profitable trading only on the following 2 days of trading, after which we'll have to update it. Update - this means rerun on fresh Tester (/updated) history (that is: SYM.ASK, SYM.BID, SYM.DAT), which will have to rewrite the folder of the old trading terminal "\files\Recorder" with the replacement of the existing files with newer.

7. question: - What if I doubt the correctness of the trading operations of this robot, as I look at it step-by-step work?
    answer: - start tracking system Tester-enter "-1000000" (1 and 6 zeros) in the variable "__refresh_now", wait for the tracking and open the file "LOGOS_SYM.txt" for detailed acquaintance with the work of the tester
P.S.:  this file will be here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GrandCapital Trader 4\experts\files"

8. question: - additional instructions-mode Tester does not find any profits that might be?
    answer: - restart the tester in the mode of "PROFESSIONAL MODE [0/1]=0" and let the tester to continue its work using the autocontinue.

P.S.:  If you have a fast CPU or super computers, then this is the project that you. Also do not forget that the tester Tracer_SN.ex4 can be started only once in one trading terminal (Terminal.exe), and if you want to analyze multiple symbols, then you need to copy the folder with the trading terminal, and only run the tester on another symbol (the number of cores is directly proportional to the maximum possible simultaneous launches Tester).

Full Project you can download from here (a new instruction in the archive):
Load link: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /9d4svfs8jzoi
(please remove the "space" symbol from upper link)

My Trade Statement you can download from here:
Load link: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /ehzfe0bqx69h
(please remove the "space" symbol from upper link)

my Demo account: 2090270826
investor password: hrNMM2ffQ9
Trading server: h t t p s : / / t i c k m i l l . c o m

I attach a historical files (Currency.ASK, Currency.BID, Currency.DAT) for EURUSD and USDZAR + tracer_SN.dmp (Liverage=200) to ensure that the trader was able to work out on Tester:
Load link: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /lonspth9eff2
(please remove the "space" symbol from upper link)

P.S.:  also able to emulate the Orange stripe, Goldzilla Principle and Golden rule and other... - read full manual please!

to buy from the author of this project, please contact E-Mail: (in the subject line write: "ROBOT")

project cost:  100 $ + permitted trading demo account for free (to do this, contact the author - in the subject line write: "DEMO")

After the transfer of funds, you get a trading robot RECEIVER_SN.MQ4, which will only work on your trading account.

There is a possibility to donate RECEIVER_SN.MQ4 robot version. That will only work on a demo account. But for this I need your demo account and site check this account to the demo account (example: t i c k m i l l . c o m)
Or in other words: you can trade with this robot on a demo-account, provided that I check whether it is a demo account, and only then will send you the free RECEIVER_SN. MQ4 which will only work on this account.
To do this, please contact on my email. Please specify in the subject line: "DEMO"

NOTE: "SYM" - it's Currency

1000 dollars per 2-3 hours is not a myth! in MT4 / MT5 EAs_RECEIVER-in-the-WORK

#1 - May 10, 2019, 03:55:48 PM
« Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 03:40:11 PM by Admin »


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