I rarely ever use Stop Losses. For a few reasons actually.
First, they may not be honored anyways. For example, yesterday there was a fast crash of some 300 pips in seconds on USDJPY. In such a situation, your broker will not honor the stop loss anyways. The market usually rebounds in situations like this, which it has been doing. So you end up not only getting stopped out for more than you set, but you get taken out of the trade and miss out on possible profits.
Secondly, sometimes the market will move just enough to hit a SL before moving in the right direction. I have seen this in my trading before. A single pip can make a whole lot of difference. Many times, I know where the market will go, but my entry is a little off. If a trader has a good method for trading, it is only a matter of time until profit is reached and a little extra draw down is just a part of the game.
Lastly, I trade on a broker that offers low leverage. The max is 50:1, but usually it is around 25:1. Which means that if I am ever stopped out, there will still be a good chunk of my money left in the account since margin requirements are so high. If you are stopped out on a high leverage account, you will be left with nearly 0 in your account.
It's all a matter of preference. Some people use SL and some don't. Some use trailing stops and partial closes and others don't. I trade with money I won't lose sleep over. If I end up being wrong about a trade, my averaging in method usually works. If all else fails, at least I got a little excitement out of life