I hereby declare ForexZone to Pay and LegitI hereby declare ForexZone to Pay and LegitI hereby declare ForexZone to Pay and LegitI hereby declare ForexZone to Pay and LegitUpdate : Because of the many replies in my thread.
I will clarify and apologize for ForexZone members, especially
admin.In this thread I only ask whether this forum pays or scams.
On 10/02/2019 I sent a message to the admin, About my Widraw that has not been sending. I was just worried because I saw the online admin but forgot not to answer my message.
On 11/02/2019 the
admin replied to my message and the funds came in, as shown below.
Once again I apologize to everyone, and especially to this dear Forexzone admin.
suggestion :
ForexZone is a large forum, very good especially when there are notifications like Facebook. I realized that
the admin was only an ordinary person, and needed rest and sleep. For that I suggest;
1. Add a new moderator, in which moderator accounts can be accessed by the admin and moderator themselves, so that when problems occur, they can be notified immediately, provided that the funds / money / bonuses are still in the
admin's power. this is also to help
the admin throw the member who only spam and pursue bonuses.
2. Add the ForexZone Sub for some special countries.
best wishes and luck.
from me "Suspect"I hereby declare ForexZone to Pay and LegitLinkback: https://www.forex.zone/general-forex-discussion/1/forexzone-scam-forexzone-pays-very-much-for-legit/1430/