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ETH2 (ETH upgrade to allow staking)

Discussion started on Coins & Tokens

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Does anyone have any knowledge of the new upgrade for ETH:  ETH2?  ETH2 allow someone without a powerful PC (a raspberry PI will do) to participate as a "validator" ion the ETH block chain.  It requires a 32 ETH stake at a minimum (~175000 USD).  It earns about 5.5%.  

There are also pools which allow you to hold less ETH.  My Crypto exchange offers this service.  Of course take a share of your earnings.

Anyone have any opinions about such an investment?

#1 - August 13, 2021, 04:30:19 PM

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It doesn't allow me to unstake whenever I want. So, don't like it.
#2 - August 15, 2021, 11:21:56 AM

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I guess I agree.  But I think after it is fully launched, you can withdraw at any time. And the profit earned is not locked. And therefore not compounded.    
#3 - August 15, 2021, 12:55:14 PM

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This is a reasonably good guide to ETH2 staking.
#4 - August 17, 2021, 02:32:56 AM

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This ETH chart looks great to me.  I am interested in what you more experienced TA people think. 
#5 - September 03, 2021, 06:37:50 PM

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An item in Blockworks:
"Ethereum has been on an absolute tear, hitting a three-month all time high of nearly $4,000. The Ethereum network has seen an 720% growth over the past year and was able to reach an almost $468 billion dollar market cap, which is more than 90% of JP Morgan Chase?s market cap of $479.36 billion."
#6 - September 04, 2021, 03:52:19 PM


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